The First Death Anniversary of Viktor Stamov |
32nd »Izet Kurtalic« Memorial - World Cup Event |
Event classification | Open International - World Cup Event (FAI Event ID: 9529) |
CIAM category | F1 - Free Flight |
Place | Bosanski Petrovac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) |
Competition area | Medeno polje field (flat grass area) |
Date | 23rd of August 2014 (F1A, F1B and F1C) |
Entry fee | 30 EURO for seniors, 20 EURO for juniors (entry fee covers one category, additional category will be charged 15 EURO, entry fee for competitors on »F1H EURO Challenge 2014« is 15 EURO and will be paid separately)
Remark: for registrations within last week prior to beginning of contest (after 17th of August) entry fee will be charged 45 EURO! |
Website | http://www.aeroklub-izet-kurtalic.ba |
Disciplines |
F1A (gliders) |
F1A (gliders - juniors) |
F1B (model aircraft with extensible motors - »wakefield«) |
F1B (model aircraft with extensible motors - »wakefield« - juniors) |
F1C (power model aircraft) |
F1H (gliders - F1H EURO Challenge - HEC 2014) |
Awards |
Trophies and diplomas for the top three competitors in the individual listing in each competition class, including juniors too. |
Protest |
Protest must be presented to contest jury in written form.
Protest fee: 50 EURO.
* The organizer is not responsible for any damages that may occur on models, or any injuries done from or to a third party. |
Accommodation |
- Motel »No 9« Bosanski Petrovac, 8 km from flying field, tel. +387 37 881 901.
- Camping on flying field is possible, free of charge.
Entry application |
Each competitor must have a valid FAI license (license must be shown at registration).
All entry applications should arrive before 17th of August 2014!
Please send your entry application in form of e-mail, writing your name, surname, competition category, FAI license number, organization (aeroclub) and country. Please write a note if you are junior competitor.
E-mail for your entry application: info@aeroklub-izet-kurtalic.ba
Contact person: Mario Kokorus, tel.: +387 61 783 649
For any additional info or assistance please feel free to contact.
We welcome all timekeepers.
All news and updates will be announced on aeroclub »Izet Kurtalic« web site: http://www.aeroklub-izet-kurtalic.ba
Program |
22nd of August 2014 Friday | Arriving, free practice at Medeno polje field and registration for all categories at Motel »No. 9« Bosanski Petrovac, 8km from flying field, SE. |
23rd of August 2014 Saturday |
F1A, F1B and F1C competition day
1. Round: 07:00 - 08:00 (180 sec. - Flying time) |
2. Round: 08:00 - 08:45 (180 sec. - Flying time) |
3. Round: 08:45 - 09:30 (180 sec. - Flying time) |
4. Round: 09:30 - 10:15 (180 sec. - Flying time) |
5. Round: 10:15 - 11:00 (180 sec. - Flying time) |
6. Round: 11:00 - 11:45 (180 sec. - Flying time) |
7. Round: 11:45 - 12:30 (180 sec. - Flying time) |
Fly-off: 18:00 or at 7:00 next day morning depending on weather conditions |
F1H competition day
1. Round: 08:45 - 09:30 (120 sec. - Flying time) |
2. Round: 09:30 - 10:15 (120 sec. - Flying time) |
3. Round: 10:15 - 11:00 (120 sec. - Flying time) |
4. Round: 11:00 - 11:45 (120 sec. - Flying time) |
5. Round: 11:45 - 12:30 (120 sec. - Flying time) |
Fly-off: 18:00 or at 7:00 next day morning depending on weather conditions |
24th of August 2014 Sunday |
Reserve day
Welcome to Bosanski Petrovac! |
Version of the bulletin in bosnian language |